Marriage Specialization Course
The revised Marriage Specialization Course is offered to marriage preparation coordinators and their teams. The course content was designed to be taught in four one day, six hour sessions, delivered over the course of four months.
Diocesan certification in marriage ministry is granted to those who complete the marriage specialization course and one day retreat.
The content of the course includes the following topics:
Day 1
The biblical and theological foundation of marriage
The social and cultural context of Christian marriage in the United States
The mission of the church in our social and cultural context and our baptismal call
The Domestic Church
Presentación en Español - sesión 2
Day 2
The 20th century development of marriage preparation
Elements of Marriage Preparation and Marriage Enrichment Ministry/Programs
The sponsor couple (recruiting, training and sustaining)
Adult faith formation
Day 3
The catechesis on the rite of marriage
Liturgical celebration of the sacrament
Human sexuality/ morality/ natural family planning
Day 4
Canon law /the right to marry/pastoral issues/interfaith marriage/interchurch marriage/ cohabitating couples/convalidations/ annulments
Feb 2021
Pastoral Center
1201 E. Highland Ave. San Bernardino, CA
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Registration Form