Welcome to the Office of Marriage and Family Life!

Our Mission

The Office of Marriage and Family Life strives to encounter, accompany, and integrate leaders and parishes in fruitfully bringing about a renewal of the culture of marriage and family life, by strengthening The Domestic Church, through resources, training, and consultations rooted in the teachings of The Catholic Church



Marriage Preparation

Marriage preparation should be a kind of “initiation” to the sacrament of matrimony, providing couples with the help they need to receive the sacrament worthily and to make a solid beginning of life as a family.

La preparación matrimonial debe ser una especie de «iniciación» al sacramento del matrimonio que les aporte los elementos necesarios para poder recibirlo con las mejores disposiciones y comenzar con cierta solidez la vida familiar.

(AL, # 207).

Marriage Enrichment

It is all the more essential that couples be helped during the first years of their married life to enrich and deepen their conscious and free decision to have, hold and love one another for life. 

Es aún más imprescindible acompañar en los primeros años de la vida matrimonial para enriquecer y profundizar la decisión consciente y libre de pertenecerse y de amarse hasta el fin.

(AL, #217).

Marriage Restoration

Once it becomes apparent that the reality is more limited and challenging than one imagined, the solution is not to think quickly and irresponsibly about separation, but to come to the sober realization that married life is a process of growth, in which each spouse is God’s means of helping the other to mature. Change, improvement, the flowering of the good qualities present in each person, all these are possible. 

Cuando se descubre la realidad, más limitada y desafiante que lo que se había soñado, la solución no es pensar rápida e irresponsablemente en la separación, sino asumir el matrimonio como un camino de maduración, donde cada uno de los cónyuges es un instrumento de Dios para hacer crecer al otro. Es posible el cambio, el crecimiento, el desarrollo de las potencialidades buenas que cada uno lleva en sí.

(AL, # 221).

End of Marriage

It is a matter of reaching out to everyone, of needing to help each person find his or her proper way of participating in the ecclesial community and thus to experience being touched by an “unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous mercy.”

Se trata de integrar a todos, se debe ayudar a cada uno a encontrar su propia manera de participar en la comunidad eclesial, para que se sienta objeto de una misericordia «inmerecida, incondicional y gratuita».

(AL, # 297)

Welcome to our Website

Our diocese is committed to promoting, supporting, strengthening, and protecting marriage as the foundation of every Christian family. We, the Diocese of San Bernardino, see the need for more specialized attention to the vocation of marriage. 

“Our goal is to become a “Marriage-Building Church” by promoting a comprehensive approach to ongoing education for the vocation of the Sacrament of Marriage at all stages of life. By doing this, we hope to create a culture in which Christian marriage education is seen as an integral part of people’s lives in becoming the domestic church.”

Presentation Website

Provided by Office of Respect Life and Pastoral Care and Marriage and Family Life Ministry