Communication Skills Workshop
Communication Skills
Program Selections
The Office of Catechetical Ministry has trained facilitators to teach the various curricula offered in Spanish and English. There are some programs that serve as an introductory course. For example, PAIRS Essentials can serve as an introductory class to Mastering the Mysteries of Love. It is important that we continue to select high quality curricula, and offer high quality training to instructors at the Diocese level. We currently have five approved curriculums that teach communication skills.
PAIRS for PEERS is a 5-session, 60-minute/per session, skill-based program designed for youth to improve communication. The PAIRS experience will introduce a treasure chest of tools that helps create, nurture, restore and rekindle relationships that are the very foundation of our lives. Includes, confiding and emotional understanding, increase empathy, compassion, self-esteem, self-worth, constructive conflict resolution, healthy decision-making, forgiveness, and strategies to counter peer pressures.
PAIRS Essentials for singles and couples, is a 16 hour fast-paced, interactive, intensive course to develop skills that help people create and sustain successful relationships; discovering and mastering the essential skills for enhanced communication, empathy, problem solving, and emotional connection. These programs teach about the Heart of Intimacy, Emotional Balance, Constructive Conflict, and Emotional Literacy. Ninety nine percent (99%) of the people who have taken this course speak highly about their experience and often their spoken testimony has brought others to take this or other courses or programs offered through the initiative.
World Class Marriage is a 16 hour program, that is engaging, practical and a personal guide for relationship success, based on sixteen pillars supported by three conditions for growth and support: empathy, acceptance and genuineness. It is a life-changing time of learning skills and knowledge that will transform the way couples relate to each other and how they feel about the relationship. Create a healthy relationship by learning effective ways to listen and get listened to; replacing blame, criticism and frustration with powerful and proven tools that bring cooperation, closeness, and satisfaction.
Ready for Love is a 16 hour program that combines great communication skills with experiential learning activities around qualities of good relationships, boundaries, emotional safety, and the biology of love. It is appropriate for those who are single–not in a serious relationship, and those who are solo–who are coming to marriage education alone, even though they may be married. Ready for Love teaches participants how to use great communication and problem solving skills anytime, anywhere–and by using those skills to have great relationships.
Mastering the Mysteries of Love is a 24 hour program which provides quality emotional and relationship education materials which are easy to use, effective, and culturally sensitive. It teaches 10 key communication skills, helping couples to speak and listen to each other with greater care and empathy, to enhance their relationship and to successfully address and solve problems by working together. This program includes skilled coaches to help couples practice good communication.